Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez
Author of 11 CRAN packages
Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez has 11 packages under their belt. That's not just dedication, it's a passion for coding! Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez has collaborated with a whopping 23 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
11 Packages
- CatPrediOptimal Categorisation of Continuous Variables in Prediction Models
- HDCurvesHierarchical Derivative Curve Estimation
- JOPSPractical Smoothing with P-Splines
- OptimalCutpointsComputing Optimal Cutpoints in Diagnostic Tests
- ROCnRegROC Curve Inference with and without Covariates
- SOPGeneralised Additive P-Spline Regression Models Estimation
- SpATSSpatial Analysis of Field Trials with Splines
- npROCRegressionKernel-Based Nonparametric ROC Regression Modelling
- pcgenReconstruction of Causal Networks for Data with Random Genetic Effects
- wsbackfitWeighted Smooth Backfitting for Structured Models
- DDPstarDensity Regression via Dirichlet Process Mixtures of Normal Structured Additive Regression Models
- Irantzu Barrio
- Inmaculada Arostegui
- Garritt L. Page
- S. McKay Curtis
- Dae-Jin Lee
- Radford M. Neal Neal
- Paul Eilers
- Bin Li
- Brian Marx
- Jutta Gampe
- Monica Lopez-Raton
- Vanda Inacio
- Manuel Oviedo de la Fuente
- Mikis Stasinopoulos
- Maria Durban
- Paul H.C. Eilers
- Martin Boer
- Fred van Eeuwijk
- Javier Roca-Pardinas
- Willem Kruijer
- Pariya Behrouzi
- Alan Miller
- Stefan Sperlich